Mad Monkey Hostel Phnom Penh: Experience Adventure in Cambodia’s Capital

Mad Monkey Hostel Phnom Penh

If you’re seeking an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Cambodia, look no further than Mad Monkey Hostel Phnom Penh. Located in the vibrant capital city, the hostel isn’t just a place to stay; it’s a destination in itself, offering a plethora of experiences. We sat down poolside for a cool beer with the General Manager of Mad Monkey Phnom Penh Hostel Kristiaan Wouters, to find out what all the fuss is about.

“Our hostels are more than just a place to rest your head,” he said.

“We pride ourselves on our welcoming, lively atmosphere, which we pair with regular inhouse games & tournaments, DJs, pool parties and more. We also organize tours/events outside the hostel so guests can combine their stay with us with exploration of the city.”

Indeed, Mad Monkey goes beyond typical tourist activities, offering tours and experiences through our travel brand “Madventures” that aim to immerse visitors in Cambodian culture while ensuring fun is had!

“Mad Monkey wasn’t my startup, but it quickly became a passion project when I started working with the group,” says Wouters. “Witnessing guests transform from strangers into close-knit travel comrades is incredibly rewarding!”

He added that they also prioritize creating a safe and inclusive space for female travellers while promoting responsible tourism practices, something which Kristiaan believes continues to spur the popularity and subsequent expansion of the Hostel brand.

Why Choose Mad Monkey?

“Mad Monkey offers a social and affordable alternative to traditional hotels, perfect for budget-conscious travelers looking to connect with like-minded individuals,” he said.

“Beyond comfortable beds and a great location, Mad Monkey offers a chance to be part of something bigger – a travel community where stories are shared and friendships are forged,” adds Wouters.

He added that Mad Monkey also believes in giving back to the communities they serve. 

“We run projects across Asia that directly support locals, including building water wells, creating education funds, and providing fair employment for our staff,” says Wouters. By staying with us, guests actively contribute to these efforts.

A personal passion linked to Cambodia

“Cambodia’s captivating history, stunning landscapes, and heartwarming people are what initially hooked me,” shares Wouters. “Going into my tenth year in the Kingdom, I can honestly say that it’s a place that gets under your skin and makes you want to stay for a long time to come.”

So, whether you’re craving adventure, seeking new friendships, or simply looking for a comfortable place to stay, Mad Monkey Hostel Phnom Penh has everything you need for an unforgettable Cambodian experience. Come join the adventure today!

Street 242, No. 32 Phnom Penh, 12200, Cambodia

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Tom Starkey
Author: Tom Starkey

Tom Starkey is an International Development graduate from Sussex University with 12-years of experience across 4 continents, Tom's goal is that he wants to showcase his love for Cambodia, where he lives, works and now happily calls home.